Exploring agricultural transitions and smallholder farming systems development from a drylands perspective: a case from Telangana, India

By aart.van.der.linden , 26 June, 2020
Bhavana Rao
Chair group(s)

Agricultural transitions are taking place at a rapid pace across India due to several factors. While food output has increased evidently across the country several social and environmental implications are also observed. In view of this, the current presentation is a comprehensive picture of what is happening in a region in the state of Telangana, located in Southern India. The key elements that will be deliberated are the drivers of transitions and their impacts on different social groups and women; what new farming systems have emerged along with highlights of their economic performance; and how these new farming systems are coping/adapting to climate change exposure in the region. Towards the end, a few insights on the environmental impacts will also be presented.