Wageningen UR & Sustainable Development Goals

By aart.van.der.linden , 13 April, 2017
Ken Giller and Hedwig Bruggeman
Chair group(s)

This meeting was not an official WaCASA meeting, but it was promoted among WaCASA members. For more information, see http://www.wur.nl/nl/activiteit/SDGWUR-Transforming-our-world-the-2030-Agenda-for-Sustainable-Development-.htm


SDG@WUR: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In September 2015 the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals: 17 goals and 169 targets for people, planet and prosperity for the next 15 years. Much research of Wageningen UR is connected with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). SDG@WUR is targeted at enhancing the SDGs within Wageningen UR, and at the same time looking for collaboration opportunities within and outside Wageningen UR.

On 14 September we have our kick-off on SDG@WUR in Impulse with speakers and discussion from 12:30 - 13:30 hrs.

  • Introducing the Sustainable Development Goals (Ken Giller, Plant Production Systems)
  • Innovation and the Sustainable Development Goals (Hedwig Bruggeman, CDI)

This kick-off meeting is the first in a sequel of meetings on specific goals. Next meetings are:

  • October 19: Sustainable cities (SDG 11),
  • October 31: Climate action (SDG13),
  • November 30: Biodiversity (SDG 14&15):

If you have a relevant research project or a specific topic on the SDGs you want to present in a short pitch, please let us know: Jessica.deKoning@wur.nl or jelle.maas@wur.nl.